Invited Speakers




Pr. Eddy BAJIC

 Lorraine University

Pr. Otman ABDOUN

Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco

Pr. Abdelati REHA

l'ISGA Marrakech

Pr. Sofiane BOUCENNA

Cergy-Pontoise University, France


Speaker n°1

Pr. Eddy BAJIC
University Professor
Scientific Expert Consultant
University of Lorraine

Eddy BAJIC est professeur des universités en Génie Informatique et Automatisme Industriel à l'Université de Lorraine. Directeur de recherche au Laboratoire CRAN-CNRS UMR 7039, ses activités de recherche sont centrées sur la modélisation et la conception des systèmes connectés Intelligents, les interactions intelligentes et socio-mimétiques entres objets communicants pour l'Internet des Objets industriels (IIoT) et l'Industrie 4.0. Expert scientifique depuis 2006 ans à la Commission européenne pour l'évaluation des projets de recherche H2020-Horizon, Internet of Things, smart city et smart factory. Il a mené de nombreux projets de R&D avec des industriels et universités, projets ANR et projets internationaux. Il est membre de la commission nationale de normalisation française (AFNOR CN IOT) sur l'Internet des objets, et a publié plus d'une centaine de publications scientifiques dans des revues et conférences internationales, et des livres.


Speaker n°2


Pr. Otman ABDOUN

 Associate Professor at Faculty of Science

Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco


Dr. Abdoun Otman received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Ibn Tofail Kenitra in February 2012 and a Habilitation from ENSA-Tetouan, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco in December 2017. Research interests: Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Competitive Learning, Data Analytics, Big Data, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Multi-Agents System, Evolutionary Computation, Computational intelligence, Genetic Algorithm, and Image processing, etc.



Speaker n°3

Pr. Abdelati REHA


Professor, Head of Department at ISGA  Marrakech Morocco

 Abdelati Reha was born in Casablanca-Morocco in 1975, he received the degree of engineer in aeronautic from the Royal Air Academy of Marrakech-Morocco in 1999, the degree of engineer in telecommunication from the INPTRabat-Morocco in 2002, the PHD degree in telecommunication from Hassan II University-Casablanca-Morocco in 2016. He is an Ex-Major in Moroccan Royal Air Forces. He is the head of Electronic department in ISGA-Marrakech. His main research interests are in fractal antennas, UWB applications, array antennas.



Speaker n°2

Pr. Sofiane BOUCENNA

Associate professor at CY Cergy Paris University in France

Sofiane Boucenna is Associate professor at CY Cergy Paris University in France. He was postdoctorate at Pierre et Marie Curie University in the Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique lab (ISIR)in France in 2012-2014. He obtained its PhD at the Cergy Pontoise University in 2011, where he worked with the Neurocybernetic team of the Image and Signal processing Lab (ETIS). His research interests are focused on the modeling of cognitive mechanisms and the development of interaction capabilities such as imitation, emotion and social referencing. Currently, he attempts to assess the effect of the type of partners (adults, typically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorder) on robot learning.

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